
Our first wind facility is located in southeast Washington, 15 miles northeast of 代顿 in Columbia County. For detailed information please visit our 代顿 office. 将它映射

霍普金斯脊 encompasses 87 turbines capable of generating 156.6兆瓦的电力. 阅读更多关于该设施的事实.



普吉特海湾能源公司的霍普金斯岭风力设施坐落在三个过去的社区之间:特纳, 马伦哥和科韦洛. Many homesteaders carved out their living in this area. Now, only a few structures remain from these once bustling pioneer settlements. Please call 509-382-2043 for information about scheduling a guided tour. 你也可以拿一个 自驾游 to view the wind farm 和 surrounding historical sites. If you care to get out of your car 和 walk the grounds, you will need a permit (see 娱乐 below).


狩猎, 徒步旅行, 观鸟, 在风力设施的某些区域,在一定的限制下,允许在地面上散步和其他娱乐活动. Special rules are in place to ensure the safety of hunters, 当地居民, 风电场工人和设备. 更多信息可通过风设施狩猎视频和宣传册获得. 还记得, hunting on private l和s is a privilege 和, 和所有狩猎活动一样, rules 和 prohibitions are enforced by state game agents 和 local law enforcement.

Access to 普吉特海湾能源公司's 霍普金斯脊 wind facility, 太平洋公司毗邻的马伦戈风力发电厂和波特兰通用电气的Tucannon River风力发电厂由公用事业公司共同管理. 通过这个共享访问程序, 猎人只需要在一家公用事业公司注册就可以使用这些风力设施.

Written permission for access to these l和s may be obtained by completing the 网上报名表格 必须在当地商店(最后的度假村或四星供应)取货。. You will select the store of your choice when you register 在线. Store contact information is in the table below.

纸质表格也可以在以下地点领取:最后的度假村, 四星供应和代顿K圈. Store contact information is in the table below.

位置 最后的度假村 四星供应 圆K
Address 土能农道2005号. 波默罗伊,华盛顿州99347
No 在线 registration, paper registration only
426 W. 主圣. 代顿,华盛顿州99328
开放 季节性 全年 全年
小时 3月. 1 - 10月. 31:
7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

11月. 1 - 2月. 28:
6 a.m. - 8 p.m.

太阳:早上7点.m. - 8 p.m.
4:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.

4:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.

5:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.



  • Columbia County wind farm hunting 和 access guidelines video
  • Can I access l和 in the 霍普金斯脊, 马伦戈 和 Tucannon River wind facilities?

    可以,但必须有书面许可. 要获得许可,请完成 网上申请表格 or fill out a paper form at one of the three stores listed in the table above.

  • Can I access l和 in the Lower Snake River Wind Facility?

    是的,但进入PSE下蛇河风力发电设施需要另一张许可证. 要获得许可,请完成 PSE Lower Snake River 网上申请表格. 你需要去 Last Resort Kampstore,四星供应或 死人溪服饰店 完成登记手续,领取所需的许可证、车辆牌照和地图小册子.

  • What do I need to access the Columbia County wind facility properties?

    首先,注册访问权限 在线. 纸质表格也可在网上报名领取地点(the Last Resort Kampstore和四星供应)和现场报名地点获得, 代顿圈, 主街426号, 代顿,华盛顿州99328. 如果你在网上注册, you will receive a confirmation e-mail instructing you to pick up final paperwork, 在狩猎, at the store location you selected (最后的度假村 or 四星供应). Your final paperwork includes a signed permit, vehicle 标签及地图小册子. This permit gives you access only to areas colored green on the map.

    While hunting, you will be required to carry your signed permit, vehicle tag 和 地图手册 which identify the access boundaries 和 access rules. 每个风力设施(霍普金斯脊, 马伦戈Tucannon)有自己的哥伦比亚县地图小册子,以帮助您定位公共狩猎区. 在你的狩猎队的所有成员必须有所有必要的文件与他们在任何时候, with the exception of minors under 16 who are not hunting, they can be listed on the guardian’s signed Access Permission Agreement permit.

    16岁以下的未成年人必须有监护人的签名才能进入这些房产. 16岁以下的未成年人狩猎必须有自己的访问许可协议, 必须完成猎人安全课程,并且他们的许可证也必须由他们的监护人签署.

  • 我可以在哪里打猎?

    公共 access is available within the 霍普金斯脊, 马伦戈 和 Tucannon River wind facilities, but there are special rules in place to ensure the safety of hunters, 当地居民 和 wind facility workers. These public-access areas are marked on the Columbia County 地图手册s.

    Study the maps 和 keep them with you to ensure you are within a hunting zone. Signs will be posted, but not in all locations. 地图小册子是你最好的向导. The detail maps include GPS coordinates to help you locate your position. 这些地区大多位于私人土地上. 请遵守规则,尊重规章制度,这样才能继续享有访问特权.

  • Why are some areas open to access 和 others restricted
    和 what do the 地图手册 colors mean?

    普吉特海湾能源公司, 太平洋公司(马伦戈风力发电厂的所有者)和波特兰通用电气(图坎农河风力发电厂的所有者)从私人土地所有者和华盛顿州租用土地来运营风力发电厂.


    狩猎区在地图宣传册上以绿色标示为“有许可证的公共通道”, 从当地商店获得. They are open to the public only after written permission is given. The 地图手册s are available at the Last Resort Kampstore (Tucannon River road), 四星供应公司(波默罗伊, WA) 和 the 代顿 General Store (代顿, WA).


    有些土地所有人允许公众与他们联系,要求进入他们的土地,他们决定谁可以进入,土地所有人将发出书面许可, 标签及地图小册子. The l和owner’s contact information is posted on their property.


    其他土地所有者私下管理他们土地上的出入,不允许公众狩猎. These areas are marked on the 地图手册 in tan as 公共 Access Unavailable, 只限私人访问. If you see hunters or hear gunfire coming from these areas, it is because the hunters have received l和owner permission. It does not mean you are allowed to hunt there too.


    Some private l和owners do not want their l和 accessed. These l和s are marked on the 地图手册 in red as no hunting allowed. No access or hunting is allowed in these areas.

  • Why do I need to stop at 最后的度假村 or 四星供应
    if I've completed the application 在线?

    在商店, 您将被要求通过签署访问许可协议表格来完成许可程序. 州狩猎官员和当地执法部门还要求16岁以上的猎人出示带照片的身份证件, WILD Identification number 和 provide vehicle information. 最后, 商店将发放车辆标签和地图小册子,并将相应的号码添加到您的许可证上. 每个猎人都将收到一份副本,在他或她的财产期间随身携带,一份副本将保存在档案中.

    在线注册领取地点 最后的度假村 四星供应
    Address 土能农道2005号. 波默罗伊,华盛顿州99347
    开放 季节性 全年
    小时 3月. 1 - 10月. 31:
    7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

    8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

    11月. 1 - 2月. 28:
    6 a.m. - 8 p.m.

    太阳:早上7点.m. - 8 p.m.


  • What are the PSE 霍普金斯脊, PacifiCorp 马伦戈
    和 Portl和 General Electric Tucannon River wind facilities' access rules?


    1. No hunting during wind turbine construction periods or posted closure periods.
    2. 在风力涡轮机、建筑物或变电站300英尺范围内禁止任何形式的通道.
    3. 1内禁止任何形式的访问,从11月的第三个周日到2月的第三个周日,由于潜在的结冰情况,1000英尺的风力涡轮机.
    4. No pointing or shooting of any weapon at a target of any kind with people, 风力涡轮机, 波兰人, 架空电线, 插接箱, J-boxes, 维修车辆, 迹象, 栅栏, 盖茨, maintenance facilities or a substation in your scope of view.
    5. 禁止从车辆、道路对面或任何风力设施通道的维护部分射击.
    6. 除非得到出租人的书面授权,任何形式的车辆不得在出租人的财产上行驶,除非在县道上行驶. Driving on wind turbine access roads is not allowed. This includes operation of off-road or all-terrain vehicles.
    7. 除非事先得到出租人的书面授权,否则不允许马匹或驮畜进入出租人的财产.
    8. Do not block access 盖茨 or entrances.
    9. 所有猎人都必须遵守 Washington State Game Rules 和 Regulations.
    10. 出租人或承租人认为有必要时,可取消出租人土地上的所有使用权.
    11. 禁止过夜露营, 除非事先得到出租人的书面授权,否则不得在出租人的财产上停车或室外生火.
    12. 悬挂的车辆吊牌必须清楚地显示,并且在出租人的物业上从车外可以看到.
    13. 在普吉特海湾能源霍普金斯山脊内狩猎时,您的访问许可协议必须随身携带, 太平洋公司马伦戈和波特兰通用电气图坎农河风力设施地区.
    14. 违反任何规则将导致失去所有访问权限,并可能导致非法侵入违规行为.
    15. 请考虑移除内脏堆或使用无铅弹药,以防止吸引食腐猛禽到风力发电场区域.

    To help ensure continued access to these l和s, 请向哥伦比亚县治安官办公室报告任何违反规定或法律的行为509-382-1100. 如有紧急情况请拨911.

  • 我的孩子们能来吗??

    是的. Please note that children who are hunting must have their own signed permit. Only children who have completed a hunter's safety course are allowed to hunt. 如果你的孩子在16岁以下打猎,必须有一个监护人签署他们的许可证. Children who are not hunting may be listed on their guardian’s access permit. All hunters are required to have a permit, regardless of age. Children over 16 years old are also required to show picture identification.